Saturday, May 13, 2017



You Have to Answer Every Question

"Who said you can raise your heads up? BOW DOWN!!"
Don’t get it wrong… This isn’t some kind of military training, but it came with good intentions from the chairman of the Initiation Committee—Arthit himself. He just wanted the freshmen to get the direct Vitamin D of the burning hot sun.
They’re in the middle of the football field at the very noon, with their almost completely burned faces, and soaked with fishy-like sweat. They’re there for one reason and one reason only; punishment.
Arthit, however, had to stand still. He tried to hide how uncomfortable it was. He can’t let them see the burning sun affects him. He needed them to know that that he’s more that.
"It disappointed me that you were couple hours late.” Arthit said.
The freshmen were murmuring like a swarm of bees that led him to a sudden change in attitude. He shouted out loud and it echoed across the field.
"I did make myself clear about this appointment am I?" he continued, “what time was that exactly?”
"At noon, sir!" they shouted in unison.
The thing is, having a meeting at the very noon in the middle of the football field is not as easy as it seems. The Initiation committee had to shout super loud to deliver their speech because the field is super wide. It’s not like in the common room where the wall would echo their voices and more likely would carry them across easier. And too many shouting would likely put their vocal cords in the bad state.
The freshmen had no idea that the committee had to drink honey-mixed-with-lime every day at home. They also had no idea that it’s hard to get the limes at this season for they’re simply gone. Yet, they had to bear it for the show. The committee had to be tough. They must show the greenies that they’re unbeatable and that they have outstanding power of will. They didn’t even use any microphones neither megaphones. And Arthit, the chairman, had to be the toughest one. He has a lot more responsibilities to speak.
Arthit loosen his throat a little before he continued.
"You know—it doesn’t matter anymore," he said.
The freshmen made the same buzzing noise again. It annoyed him to the state of urging to shout.
"SHUT IT!! STOP BABBLING!!” he yelled. “What the hell are you thinking? It’s eighteen past twelve and fifty seven seconds already. You are fucking late! You made us fucking wait. You didn’t do as you told and didn’t keep your promise. What a big waste!” he continued.
Arthit stared at the freshmen angrily. They were still sitting motionless on the ground in silent. But all he wanted them to know was this is not the time yet. He showed a brief smile and it did change the tension.
"Well it’s nothing,” he said. “It’s your first time here anyway. I’ll give you guys a chance to explain your selves."
Well this is new. The greenies were all at ease now. It looked like they just got their amnesties from the death penalty, but not for long…
"Yet I’ll, only listen to one single person’s explanation that I’m going to pick randomly,” he continued. “Your fate is depending on that one man."
There’s a sudden blackout in the greenies eyes. It feels like someone slapped your face and then consoles you only to kick your butts even harder.
The struggle was real. They knew that the committee was not easy to please. Even if everyone in their class brought it out, they were not going to buy it. Whoever the chosen one is, he or she must be pretty depressing for holding the fate of the entire class. It was pretty much like getting a ticket straight to hell. Whoever it is, he or she obviously had done something terrible in the previous life.
But the most important thing was to answer the question. Even if it consider unlucky, the chosen one must not make any mistake. Any small mistake would lead the whole class to be punished and none of them wanted to be punished. They sun already drained them and they already had an incredibly hard day or two.
Lucky for them, the choice was not random at all. Arthit already had his eyes on this particular greenie. He always has his eyes on him ever since and it was obvious that the guy also noticed it. In his head, Arthit created this chitty-chat punishment for this one reason and for one reason only.
"Code number 0062!” he said out of mercy. “Stand up and step forward!"
He obeyed and stepped out of the silent crowd. The rest of the greenies were all bowing down; too afraid even to give their supporting glances to the not-so-lucky guy.
In opposite, Arthit seemed to enjoy the situation. It didn’t show in his face but yes, he did enjoy it.
Sweet revenge… he thought. Ain’t gonna let you off easily, Kongpob. You might think I should get over it but some kid just doesn’t want to forget nor forgive. You’ve insulted me yesterday and you’ll pay it back.
Actually, Arthit had ever thought to call his friends and beat the shit out of him, but he was afraid of being labeled as an uncivilized. He changed his plan and decided to perform another form of punishment. He wanted to humiliate Kongpob in front of as many witnesses as possible. Yet, he did not want the punishment to leave any physical complications. Also, to handle a smart guy like him, all he had to do was to be smarter and trickier.
Arthit made a sly smile as he praised himself for being smart enough to have thought of such an idea. He passed by Kongpob—0062 who was standing and waiting for the upshot. He actually had prepared the set-list before. He only needed to speak it out and voila!
"I’ve asked you yesterday about how many students are in your class, remember?" he asked in the sharp tone.
"Yes, sir!” Kongpob answered. “The total freshmen of the 56th generation in Engineering Faculty are 1,178 students including 216 students of the Industrial Engineering."
The answer made him stunned. Arthit thought that the kid would not remember the exact number of the total amount of the freshmen. He himself could not even remember the numbers. He had to check it out but this Kongpob, he even remembered the exact number of students enrolled in Industrial Engineering Department.
Unbelievable… The voice inside Arthit’s head was unconsciously startled. This greenie is not as clueless as I thought. I had underestimated him. But don’t think that I will give up easily this time. The war has just begun.
"Excelent!” Arthit praised. “But that wasn't the exact question. I just wanted to refresh your memory. Now, look around you and count the number of the freshmen here."
Kongpob turned his back and counted loudly, head by head. Arthit was listening. He was pretty sure that all the freshmen were not here. When Kongpob reached the last person, the number would definitely surprise him.
"162 students, sir," Kongpob said.
"And how many aren’t here?" Arthit asked.
"54, sir."
Arthit calculated quickly. It is easy for him for being an engineering student. He made a brief nod and then continued to the main issue.
"Well this is the real question…" he said. Arthit turned around and looked Kongpob in the eyes and the guy stared back at him.
Kongpob was not cringing at all. Yet he showed a fake smile.
"I bet you could explain where those 54 are?" Arthit asked arrogantly.
A total silence…
Isn’t it genius? Arthit thought. Even if he was an Einstein-like genius, I guarantee that he had no knowledge about them.
The thing is, there are no written obligatory for the freshmen of Industrial Engineering Department to join the training. But an unofficial thread forced them to attend the meeting. The committee would likely punish the attendees for letting their friends unattended. In fact, they would get punishments either way. All they needed to do was to avoid mistakes at any cost.
For that ridiculous reason, the freshmen will probably get punish for whatever they did and didn’t. They actually were aware that committee just wanted to punish them. As for Kongpob, Arthit himself wanted to discipline him for his recklessness. He felt humiliated yesterday and that was why Kongpob need to be punished.
Haha… Gotcha! You mess off with the wrong guy. You should have not pissed the chief of the committee off. Be prepared to be scolded by your classmate!
Arthit displayed a winning-like smile. He turned towards the freshman and shouted loudly. He really wanted to banish Kongpob.
"Rise and look at your friend!!! He couldn’t answer my question. And this will sentence you to your punishment…"
"They’re not absent," a voice interrupted him.
Arthit turned and found source of that voice.
"Excuse me?" he asked.
"Those 54, they’re not absent!" Kongpob said.
Kongpob’s answer had successfully made everyone startled. They could not believe that that a freshman would dare say it.
Oh, he really has a death wish hasn’t he? If he tries to be smart like that, he really needs to be taught a lesson.
"Are you blind or simply stupid? You counted yourself and you dare to say that no one is absent?" shouted Arthit. He turned to his back, facing the where freshmen were sitting and burning down on the field when he shouted.
“Actually, they’re not absent for their hearts are always in here,” said Kongpob out of his gut. “They might be not physically here but God knows where their hearts are.”
Kongpob’s theory surprised everyone.
Say what? Where the hell did he get that idea?
“They—they have sent their hearts here?” he asked.
Isn’t it too cheesy? He must have watched TV a lot that he began to think that he was the main character from the lakorn. If he think he could easily get out of this by trying to help his friends out, he must be insane. He just made everything worse.
“Your friends are really nice, for letting you all have their hearts and helped them out,” said Arthit proudly. “The hearts of 54 people would be enough to help you all do a 54 round run.”
"Sure, but they personally sent them to me,” said Kongpob doubtlessly.
“Why on earth they send it to only you?” asked Arthit in confusion.
“Because I already gave mine to you, and they’re such good friends."
Silence covered field.
The atmosphere imbued to the strangest pink. The chairman of the Initiation Committee was being humiliated by a freshman in front of the greenies. Plus, his words are super greasy. It would make anyone who hears it vomit. But this time, Arthit did not feel like vomiting—he only felt very angry.
“KONGPOB!!!!” yelled Arthit.
“Yes, sir!” replied him.
“Run 54 times around the field, NOW!!”
“Aye, sir!” Kongpob obeyed.
He accepted his punishment lightheartedly. Hundreds pairs of greenies eyes were following him in the way we used to call admiring stares of fame just before he started running. They were supposedly thankful to him for being so heroic and awesome in his own way.
Arthit loudly shouted at the crowd and turned around in his place. He didn’t care of the way the greenies stares towards him—they’re completely opposite of the way they looked at Kongpob. His avenged plan had been backfiring at him and now he earned every reason to be unanimously disliked by the greenies.
…I’m not only couldn’t accomplish my plan, but also be played by that cocky kid.
It pissed Arthit even more. Wait for your turn, Ai’Kongpob!!!!
The war of the gear part 1; the Chairman of the Initiation Committee is half-dead beaten up by the freshmen for 0 – 1.

PS: I'm Currently working on chapter 3 and 4. I'll update the chapters later.

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