Friday, May 19, 2017



Follow every order from the COMMITTEE

ell me your code number and your name!”
“It’s Praepailin, 0744.”
She was startled, but she still answered him even in her shaky voice. She sounded pretty shock; her big eyes began to shed some tear. She surely needed hugs and a Black Knight.
A softhearted person like Arthit would actually go soft on her but not the chairman of the Initiation Committee. He did soften his tone a little but that was all he could do in this position.
“What do you want from me?” he asked.
“Uh—I, I want you to sign my initiation book,” Praepailin answered.
She offered Arthit her initiation book. It was a small notebook provided from the committee to collect the seniors autograph as many as possible. And Praepailin already got some seniors autographs and their code numbers on her books.
The thing is, Praepailin and most of the greenies were doing their best to collect the 1.000 signatures campaign from the regulation. They were forced to collect at least 1.000 autographs of the seniors in their faculty. This is a real deal for every freshman in Engineering Faculty.
Arthit was in the different level with most of the seniors in this faculty; he was the Chairman of the Initiation Committee and usually, no one would risk their life to ask for his autograph in the time being—especially when he was hanging around his well-mannered packs.
Praepailin is different. She’s aware of the situation but she asked him anyway. And that’s something.
Arthit tried to be a little kind. He likes this kind of girl; light skin and slim figure. She’s totally his kind of girl. Arthit would probably treat her differently but he was not Arthit at the time. So he should—at least—make her do something beforehand.
“I actually want you to do something for me,” he said in calm but fiercely. “And then I’ll sign your book,” he continued.
That was why the greenies did not want to have any encounter with the Chairman of the Initiation Committee. The you should do something thing was sometime too hard for them. It’s not like the other seniors would not ask them to do so, but that guy is the Chairman and they already saw what did he capable of.
“What—what do you want from me?” asked Praepailin. Her voice was shaky and her face had begun to be pale. It was visible that Praepailin was actually scared to the bone.
“Nothing much,” Arthit said. His heart started to beat faster and he is not the kind of guy who would ask a girl to do something inappropriate. Instead, he already had something in his mind.
“You should shout out loud, I’m in love with the handsome P’Arthit[1] three times,” he said, “and that’s that.”
Once he spoke, the rest of the packs started howling. They were getting excited and some of them teased Arthit for his shameless attitude.
But Praepailin, in the other hand, was getting unreadable. Her face was either confused or afraid. She might have struggle in the inside—and that was clearly visible in her awkward behavior. Out of her concerned, Praepailin stared at Arthit persistently.
Why does she staring at me? It’s just a small deal. Why does she look at me in this kind of manner anyway? Arthit’s head told him. Or should I kiss her instead?
“Come on, what are you waiting for? I need to finish my lunch. Don’t be a disappointment!”
Arthit could see the displeasure in Praepailin’s eyes. His order had turned out to be a little too harsh for her that made him a little less happier than his intention.
There were many students in the cafeteria at the time. Some of the students were not from their faculty and if someone began to shout out their thought out of the blue, the whole cafeteria would notice it and would likely remember it—for at least the rest of the trimester.
But Praepailin was more afraid of P’Arthit. She was not in the position where she can disobey the order. And his look—his look was full of threat. She tried to take a glance but once their eyes met, the only thing she had in mind was it has to be done.
“I—I’M LOVE WITH THE HANDSOME P’ARTHIT!!!” she yelled. “I’M LOVE WITH THE HANDSOME P’ARTHIT!!!” said she for the second time and, “I’M LOVE WITH THE HANDSOME P’ARTHIT!!!”
The whole cafeteria was awesomely deafening. Everyone stared at Praepailin and that’s not that. They’re starting to make fusses about what had just happened. And Arthit’s friends were the loudest among them. They’re teasing and wooing him for his bold action.
“Thank you for loving me purely,” Arthit said, “It’ll consider rude if I didn’t return your love but I do need time to think about it,” he continued. “What if you give me your number so we—you and I—could keep in touch?”
It was deliciously smooth but the real reason behind his silly attitude was because Arthit really wanted to have her number.
But hey... I will not ruin this chance. If I really wanted to get to know her, I should not back off of this game. After all, she already confessed her love in front of everyone. I should give her a chance—right?
Praepailin didn’t say no word. She obeyed and gave Arthit her cell phone number.
Arthit smiled and gave Praepailin her reward—by signing her initiation book and returned it back. And plus, he winked at her when he handed the book. It unsurprisingly made her cheeks blushed in red and was hurriedly run back to her group of friends while Arthit was being teased by his well-mannered packs.
“Good Lord, Ai’Arthit[2]. You’ve got her number!” said one of his gang.
“Well, I am me for one reason,” Arthit replied.
His friends were actually aware that Arthit actually qualified for the job. He has never once ruined his chance and this was his natural gift.
“What about that young lad over there?” his friend asked. He directed his finger to Arthit’s back—to a group of greenies over the table.
Arthit turned his head in an unnecessary slow-motion. He was unaware of who was his friend talking about but right after a millisecond he had the view… it’s a jack-fucking-pot.
There are a group of greenies over there—Arthit managed to keep himself together for this—and they were under the influence of the one single person he wanted to be with—for a face to face match of kicks and punches. That guy over there had over crossed his line twice; he had more than once disgraced him in front of his friends—and the other greenies. He was the major reason why Arthit get bullied for these couple days from the other initiation committee members.
He had had me enough and it’s going to end now, you silly little fucker!!!
“0062, KONGPOB!!!” Arthit yelled.
Kongpob stopped for a moment. He looked for the source—a group of immature initiation committee members and their respectful chairman—and wai[3] at their presence. He was aware that Arthit—the one who called him was in his familiar annoyed face.
“Have you had my autograph yet?” Arthit asked him.
“I haven’t, sir,” said Kongpop.
“Let me see yours!”
“Yes, sir,” Kongpob replied.
Kongpob did what he told. He opened his bag and offered Arthit his initiation book.
Blimey!!! He surely got lots of autographs. Arthit continued skimming page after pages. They were about 500… no, 600 of them. He observed every autograph carefully. Some of which are really strange; they did have the code numbers—all of them—but something is off. What number are these? Some numbers are rather too long for the regular code numbers except they were NOT code numbers.
Phone numbers? Seriously Kongpob, when did you have time to get all of these numbers? And what are these?

I’m single now.
If you’re lonely, just call me.
*kiss *kiss na~!!!

Noah ark, Kongpob!!! Arthit already knew about how handsome and good look Kongpob is. He was also aware that every girl would easily give themselves to him either he asked or not. Beside, Arthit needs to have some tricky strategies to get their numbers—and some of the girls didn’t even want to give him their code numbers, let along phone numbers.
Damn it! He surely is a kind of the typical male lead in Korean drama.
Arthit really wanted to tear that initiation book but he had to calm himself down. He was observed by many people and the real deal is that they were in the public place—and he didn’t want to disturb the steady calm atmosphere.
Arthit took a deep breath. He was thinking about the next move—and he needed the evilest move ever.
“You’ve got lots of autugraphs. What a fortunate,” Arthit said. “Would you at least do something for me?”
“I definitely can, sir,” said Kongpob.
Arthit smiled, victoriously.
“You see,” he said, “there is an empty table in front of the grilled pork stall.”
Arthit pointed at the only vacant table about five tables away. It was in the exact center of the cafeteria.
“Yes,” said Kongpob.
“Go there—up on the chair and shout loudly that…”
Arthit paused for a little while and smiled impudently.
I like my ass to be taken care by men.
Kongpob was startled. He showed the same face Praepailin had shown before. The only different was that the words he had to say were going to instantly hit him on the shelf. It’s going to ruin his self-esteem—or at least that’s what Arthit had in mind.
But Arthit did not finish yet. He stil had something on his mind.
“And—then—you must ask ten men whether if they want to take care of your ass for you,” said Arthit shamelessly. “I’d only retuned your book if the whole ten people say yes.”
Arthit could feel the anger but he was also pretty sure that Kongpob would never object him. It was an order from the Chairman of the Initiation Committee. He knew Kongpob knew about this seniority matter. He would not say no word about this yet he did not move either.
“What’s with the long face? Go on, and be a man!” said Arthit sarcastically. “Or you’re not yet a man…
The words hit Kongpob’s self-esteem pretty well. He glared furiously inside Arthit’s pupils and arose. He walked toward the designated location and climbed up on the table.
And then he shouted.
The mess was made and every pairs of the living eyes were on Kongpob. No one dared to say anything—they were simply patronized by the sudden behavior of him.
But again, it was never just it. Kongpob stepped down from his thorne, directly came toward some boys who was lining up in front of a counter, and kindly asked.
“Would you like to take care of my ass?”
It stunned them in an instant. The boy who was being asked had completely dropped his jaw—and so did the rest of the people at the cafeteria. It was an all kill.
Arthit, in the other hand, was fairly satisfied.
Hahaha… how is it like to be the center of the attention? You did want this, didn’t you?
Arthit was so happy that it would draw everyone’s attentions when they heard this young lad shouted that he likes men out of the blue. This would make them lose their interest of this fairly good looking young lad for acknowledging him that he is gay—and that he is specifically the receiver[4] kind of guy.
Arthit remembered that Kongpob once wanted to make him his wife and he kind of did the same method in returned. It was Kongpob’s idea from the first and all Arthit did was to let him be it.
You surely deserve it, Ai’Kongpob[5]!
But the fun state had to be end. Kongpob was already with the guy number ten. He easily surpass the whole bunch of guys who unanimously wanted to take care of his ass. And in no time, he came back to Arthit.
Everyone in the cafeteria was staring at them.
“Done!” said Kongpob.
“Yeah, heard your voice loud enough already. Take your book away!” said Arthit.
Arthit threw the book at Kongpob and returned to his well-mannered packs. They were on their way to put their plates away to the counter.
When they were going to go back to the classroom, Kongpob stopped them.
“You haven’t signed my book yet!” Kongpob demanded. He offered Arthit his book. He purely thought Arthit forgot to do so but that was not the case.
“I’ve never told you that I’d sign it for you,” Arthit said.
It was not fair. Kongpob already did his order and he already humiliated himself in front of many people. He did not expect to hear this from him. What’s wrong with him?
Kongpob just realized that he had been played. He did remember that Arthit never told him to give him his autograph. It was his true intention. He wanted to humiliate me and I didn’t even realize it.
“You know?” said Arthit. “I actually did this for your own good. I was helping you out.”
Kongpob raised his head. He was surprised when Arthit grabbed him on his necktie and pulled him closer to his mouth.
“I was helping you to stuff that thing up inside your ass,” he whispered.
Arthit released his grab and went off with his well-mannered friends out of Kongpob’s sight. He smiled and chuckled victoriously.
The war between the Chairman of the Initiation Committee and the first year student; tied on 1 – 1.

[1] P’= Older brother or senior (suffix).
[2] Ai = dude (suffix)
[3] Pressing both hands together and bowing a little (basically the way Thai people greet the elder).
[4] The one who receive it.
[5] Ai = little brother (junior).

PS: I'm Currently working on chapter 4. I'll update the chapter later.

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